Tips to Set Your Pets Up for Success When You Move

Tips to Set Your Pets Up for Success When You Move

Tips to Set Your Pets Up for Success When You Move


Moving is already a stressful experience for whoever is involved, but it can be equally tough on your pets. Pets, just like humans, need to feel safe and secure in their new surroundings. This is why making arrangements ahead of time is crucial to keep them safe and happy during the transition. In this blog post, we will provide tips on how to set your pets up for success when you move.


1. Plan Ahead

Before the move, make sure to plan ahead and research pet-friendly accommodations in the area. Find out what specific rules and guidelines each apartment or house have for pets, and factor that into your decision-making process. It’s crucial to choose a place that will accommodate your furry friend’s size, breed, and specific needs.

2. Keep Routines Intact

Pets thrive under a set routine, so try to keep it as consistent as possible during the move. Maintain their feeding, walking, and playing schedules on moving day. Pack a special bag or box with their essentials, such as food, toys, and bedding, and keep it within easy reach.

3. Acquaint Them with the New Space

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, spend some time familiarizing your pet with the new surroundings. Allow them to explore the house and yard, making sure to supervise them as they do. Use positive reinforcement and treats to encourage them to venture around with confidence.

4. Consult with Your Vet

Schedule a visit with your pet’s vet and ensure that they are up-to-date with their vaccinations and any necessary medications. Ask your vet any questions or concerns you have about your pet’s adjustment to their new environment. They may also suggest ways to help your pet cope with stress and anxiety.

5. Show Them Love

Amid all the chaos and changes, don’t forget to shower your pets with love and attention. Spend more quality time with them and show them affection. A little extra love and attention can go a long way in easing their stress and anxiety during the move.



Moving with pets can be a daunting and stressful experience, but with proper planning and preparation, you can help them adjust to the new surroundings with ease. By following the tips listed above, you can ensure your pet’s safety, happiness, and comfort during the transition. Remember, our furry friends are family too, and their needs must be considered when making a move. If you're looking for apartments in Fort Myers, FL, contact The Robert Apartments today to schedule a personal tour.

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